Derek Du Chesne
In 2019, Derek Du Chesne faced a pivotal moment in his life, battling deep depression and suicidal thoughts. After exhausting traditional therapies and medications that weren't effective, he reluctantly tried ketamine therapy. This decision marked not just a turning point but a profound transformation, altering his outlook and igniting a passionate mission. Derek's transformation from suicidal to a newfound sense of connection. Motivated by his life-changing experience, Derek sought collaboration with renowned clinicians from Stanford’s Psychedelic Science Center and Depression Research Clinic. His commitment and dedication led him to join forces in 2021 with leading experts in psychiatric and psychedelic medicine to create Better U. Reflecting on his journey, Derek shares, "The first session was the single most profound moment in my life. For months it had felt like I was drowning, and I felt hopeless and powerless. After this treatment, I felt like I could breathe again, it helped me reconnect with myself, where other treatments/meds had failed. At my most vulnerable, psychedelic therapy was the unexpected lifeline that not only saved me but also set me on a new path." Wanting to help others facing similar challenges, Derek established Better U with a clear vision: to make breakthrough treatments widely accessible, complemented by thorough support and preparation. Better U transcends the traditional wellness company model, fostering a community where diverse professionals and healers converge. This dynamic team, including esteemed doctors from Harvard, Johns Hopkins University, holistic healers, and creative artists, all who have personal connection to the medicine and helping others find healing - to unite under a shared goal—to revolutionize mental healthcare. Better U is a living embodiment of Derek's dedication to enhancing mental health care. The organization prioritizes personalized, innovative holistic treatments, aiming to elevate overall well-being and empower individuals. Merging professional expertise with genuine compassion, Better U goes beyond addressing symptoms, focusing on nurturing each individual's journey toward self-love and realizing their full potential. Here, healing and transformation are more than aspirations—they are tangible outcomes, reshaping lives with every session. Beyond his impactful work in mental wellness, Derek also dedicates time to another passion: animal welfare. He volunteers at Animal Tracks Inc., a wildlife sanctuary, blending his love for animals with a commitment to conservation.
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