Structured Sessions, Set and Accomplish Goals

Personalized Treatment Plans:
Tailor your therapy experience to your unique needs and goals, with customized treatment plans created just for you. Structured sessions (Heal, Grow, Love, Transcend, Healing from Sexual Trauma, PTSD, Processing Grief, etc.) Breathwork exercises, meditations, and more!

1-on-1 Sessions:
From your doctors appointments to treatment preparation and integration therapy, all of your appointments are now completed in the app.
Mood, Symptom, Progress Tracker:
Monitor your progress with our intuitive mood and symptom tracker, helping you and your healthcare team make data-driven decisions about your treatment.

Track Your Progress

When you know better, you do better:
Access a wealth of information from medical professionals, coaches, dietitians, nurses, and healers of all types - including videos, articles, and research studies to keep you informed and inspired.

Secure Messaging:
Stay connected with your healthcare team through our secure messaging feature, ensuring you receive the support you need, when you need it.

Set Goals and Achieve Them

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

Mindfulness & Relaxation Tools:
Enhance your therapy sessions with our curated library of guided meditations, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques.The Better U Ketamine Therapy Companion App is designed to be your ultimate partner in achieving mental wellness. We believe that with the right tools and support, you can unlock your inner healer and overcome challenges to live a happier, healthier life. 🌟