May 7, 2024

Symptom Management for PTSD and Processing Trauma with Ketamine Therapy


PTSD is a mental health condition that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. For example, imagine that you are in a war zone and see someone get killed. This can cause severe anxiety, even if the person was not directly involved but merely saw it happen. It's important for people who experience trauma—which can include victims of domestic violence, car accidents and sexual assault—to talk about their feelings with someone who can help them process the situation and move on from it. In many cases, people find relief from their symptoms through therapy or other forms of treatment such as ketamine therapy sessions (also known as ketamine infusion therapy).

Ketamine Therapy

There are many different types of therapies that can be used to treat PTSD, including talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR). Ketamine therapy for ptsd is a form of therapy that uses ketamine as part of the treatment plan for people who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It's important to note that this type of treatment isn't FDA approved yet and should only be prescribed off-label by your doctor or other qualified medical professional.

PTSD manifests in different forms for different people.

●    PTSD can manifest in different forms for different people.

●    Some people experience flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety as symptoms of PTSD.

●    Other symptoms include irritability or outbursts of anger; problems sleeping; being easily startled; feeling numb or detached from others; depression or hopelessness; difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

To help create a more holistic treatment plan, we encourage our clients to work with our team closely to go deeper in the healing experience

To help create a more holistic treatment plan, we encourage our clients to work with our team closely to go deeper in the healing experience.

Ketamine therapy for ptsd involves a team of professionals including: ketamine providers, psychiatrists who specialize in PTSD and other mental health disorders, family therapists who can help with any relationship issues or other concerns that may arise during treatment or afterward; as well as staff who are trained in providing support services such as massage therapy and dietary counseling.

We are here to help you find the path that's right for you.

You may be wondering if ketamine therapy is right for you. It's important to note that this treatment is not a cure for PTSD and does not eliminate symptoms. Rather, it can be used in conjunction with other therapies to help manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

If you're interested in learning more about ketamine therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or if you'd like to schedule an appointment with one of our trained physicians, please call 855-831-5128 today!

PTSD is a mental health condition that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.

PTSD is a mental health condition that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.

The most common symptoms of PTSD include:

●    Flashbacks to the trauma, which are vivid memories of the event that occur without warning and feel real again. These can be triggered by things you see, hear or smell


●    Nightmares about the trauma that wake you up at night.

●    Intense psychological distress when reminded of your experience by events in your life (e.g., holidays) or conversations with others who have been through similar experiences (e.g., veterans).

Ketamine therapy has been shown to provide effective ways to manage symptoms of PTSD.

Ketamine therapy has been shown to provide effective ways to manage symptoms of PTSD. It's a safe, non-addictive drug that acts as an antidepressant when used in small doses. Ketamine also works as an analgesic, or pain reliever, so it can be useful in treating chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia. In addition to these benefits, ketamine therapy has been found effective at treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because it blocks NMDA receptors that are involved with memory formation and recall--something that's especially important for people who suffer from flashbacks or nightmares related to their trauma experience(s).

Ketamine therapy for anxiety stemming from ptsd

Ketamine therapy for anxiety is a process that involves the use of ketamine to help manage symptoms of anxiety. Ketamine is an FDA-approved drug that treats depression, but it's also been used as an alternative treatment for PTSD and other mental health disorders. The exact mechanism behind how ketamine works isn't fully understood, but it appears to activate certain receptors in the brain linked with mood regulation and more specifically, feelings of well-being.

Ketamine therapy for anxiety has shown promising results when treating patients who suffer from chronic PTSD symptoms like panic attacks and flashbacks. In some cases where traditional antidepressants haven't worked well enough (or at all), this type of therapy could give people their lives back by helping them stop feeling so anxious all the time!

Ketamine for ptsd is a form of therapy that can help people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ketamine therapy for ptsd is a form of therapy that can help people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It's administered under sedation and in a safe, controlled environment.

The ketamine treatment focuses on the body's response to trauma. During the session, you will be asked to focus on your thoughts and feelings about past experiences related to your trauma while being physically relaxed by the ketamine medication. The goal is for you to process these memories in order to find better ways of coping with them so they don't continue affecting your life negatively in the future--and hopefully even begin healing from them altogether!

PTSD can cause flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety.

As a person who has suffered from PTSD, I can tell you that it can be an extremely painful experience. The symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks and nightmares, severe anxiety and even depression. For example, if you were in an accident and had to watch someone die right before your eyes it would be traumatic. This is why so many soldiers come home with PTSD after serving overseas.

If they weren't able to process the event while they were still overseas then when they return home all those feelings come rushing back at once causing them severe emotional distress which leads them into a downward spiral of self destruction until something breaks through that wall of denial built up around those memories (usually drugs).

In order for us humans beings not only survive but thrive we must be able to process these experiences because if we don't then this repressed trauma will leak out into our everyday lives through our consciousness where it manifests itself either as depression or anxiety disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

With ketamine therapy for ptsd sessions, the person receiving the treatment is given ketamine by IV infusion.

With ketamine therapy for ptsd sessions, the person receiving the treatment is given ketamine by IV infusion. This means that it's administered in a controlled setting by a medical professional who has been trained to administer this type of medication safely and effectively.

Ketamine is used as an anesthetic drug but it also has some off-label uses including treating depression and anxiety disorders like PTSD. The exact mechanism behind how ketamine works isn't fully understood yet but studies have shown that it impacts neurotransmitter activity in parts of your brain responsible for regulating emotion, cognition and memory processing.

After being given ketamine, the person lies down and listens to calming music while they fall asleep.

After being given ketamine, you will lie down and listen to calming music while you fall asleep. You may also be prompted to think about your traumatic experience during this time.

Ketamine therapy for ptsd can help if you suffer from ptsd and want to reduce the symptoms that result from trauma.

While they are sleeping, they are prompted to think about any traumatic events that have happened to them in their life.

While they are sleeping, they are prompted to think about any traumatic events that have happened to them in their life. This can include things like abuse or being involved in a car accident. The therapist will be encouraging you to share your thoughts with them and work through the trauma you experienced.

You may not know if ketamine therapy for ptsd is right for you until you try it.

You may not know if ketamine therapy for ptsd is right for you until you try it.

Ketamine therapy for ptsd is a safe and effective treatment that has been shown to help with symptoms of ptsd. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps patients change the way they think about their traumatic experiences and develop healthier responses to stressful situations. Ketamine therapy also increases the brain's ability to process information from all five senses--touch, taste, sight, smell and sound--at once rather than one at a time like normal brains do; this helps people feel less overwhelmed by sensory stimuli when they're exposed again after experiencing trauma or stressors related to their trauma history


We want to help you find the path that's right for you. We are here to help, and we will do whatever we can to support your healing journey.


This blog is not medical advice or therapeutic advice but general knowledge to help you get the most out of your experiences with psychedelic therapy. At-home psychedelic therapy sessions with generic ketamine may be prescribed "off-label" for suitable candidates as an alternative pathway. Over the last two decades, research suggests that ketamine may be able to safely and effectively improve many treatment-resistant conditions. A form of ketamine, Esketamine (Spravato), is an FDA-approved medication for depression. Spravato treatments are only available in-person in our office. Our at-home programs include therapeutic guidance, safety protocols, breathwork, virtual treatment preparation and 1-on-1 integration coaching to get the most out of your sessions.