Ketamine 101
May 7, 2024

Ketamine Therapy: Are the Effects Long-Lasting?

Psychedelic therapy is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative treatment pathway for various mental health conditions. But what is the long-term success rate for ketamine treatments? Better U provides evidence-based therapies to help combat a multitude of life stressors and may be able to provide symptom relief for various disorders including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term success of ketamine treatments.

A recent study showed that ketamine treatments effectively reduced short-term symptoms of depression. However, the study did not follow patients for an extended period of time. More research is needed to determine if psychedelic therapy is an effective long-term treatment modality for depression.

Another study looked at the use of ketamine for treating anxiety. The scientists found that ketamine treatments may effectively relieve short-term anxiety symptoms. However, more research is needed to determine if psychedelic therapy is an effective long-term treatment modality for anxiety.

Ketamine has also been studied as a potential medicine for PTSD. One study found that ketamine was associated with a reduction of short-term PTSD symptoms.  However, more research is needed to determine if psychedelic therapy is an effective treatment modality for PTSD in the long term.

One theory as to why ketamine can have beneficial effects on a person’s mental health is because ketamine may be able to stimulate long-lasting brain changes that can lead to symptom relief, all over a single treatment cycle. For the average patient, the acute phase of ketamine infusion therapy calls for a series of six infusions spaced out over two or three weeks. This initial treatment is followed by a long-term maintenance phase that includes occasional booster infusions.

Overall, more research is needed to determine the long-term success of ketamine as a medicine for psychedelic therapy. However, ketamine has shown promise in providing relief from symptoms of various mental health conditions in the short term. If you are considering ketamine treatment, please speak with your doctor to see if it is right for you.

What do you think? Have you or someone you know undergone ketamine treatment? What was your experience?