May 7, 2024

June is Men's Mental Health Month-Let's Talk About It

June is Men's Mental Health Month, a time to shine a light on the importance of mental health and offer support. It's also a time when men can learn more about their own mental well-being and how to care for themselves.


It is firstly important to recognize that men are less likely than women to seek treatment for mental health issues. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), "men often don't seek care because they feel ashamed or embarrassed about their problems; they think that showing weakness makes them less of a man."

Understanding the Stigma

If you're a man, you may be less likely to seek treatment for mental health issues. In fact, one study found that 75% of men did not seek treatment for depression despite its prevalence in the population. The same study showed that women were more likely to receive treatment when they experienced symptoms of depression compared with men. The reason? Men are conditioned to believe that they should be able to handle their problems on their own and don't want others knowing about them. As such, they're less likely than women who are more open about their feelings and emotions with friends and family members. Because of this, they may be more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of coping instead of seeking professional help.

Men are also more likely to be diagnosed with physical illnesses instead of mental health conditions. This may be due in part because they aren't seeking medical attention as much as women do--or their doctors might fail to make an accurate diagnosis due to gender bias against men's health issues like anxiety or depression.

Types of Mental Health Conditions in Men

●    Depression: The most common mental health condition in men is depression. It's estimated that one in four men will experience depression at some point in their lives and that nearly half of those men will not seek help.

●    Anxiety disorders: Men are less likely than women to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but they suffer from it just as much. In fact, some experts believe that men may be more likely to experience severe forms of anxiety disorders than women because they don't seek treatment or have access to the same resources for coping (like therapy).

●    Bipolar disorder: This condition causes extreme shifts in mood and energy levels--from elated highs to depressed lows--that last for days or weeks at a time.

●    PTSD: Men are more likely than women to experience PTSD, a condition that develops after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. The condition can cause flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety. In fact, male soldiers are twice as likely as female soldiers to experience PTSD after returning from combat duty.

Ketamine Therapy for Common Mental Health Issues in Men

Have you ever wondered if ketamine therapy could be a good treatment option for you?

Although it is not yet FDA approved, many clinicians have adopted ketamine for treatment of depression and anxiety. In studies using ketamine therapy for treatment, they have found users are able to change their way of thinking and reacting to feel happier or less anxious without having the side effects you may get from medication like pills or antidepressants.

Fighting the Male Mental Health Stigma and Seeking Treatment

If you are a man and are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, it's important to know that treatment can help. Treatment can be as simple as psychotherapy or lifestyle changes, or it may involve medication or psychedelic therapy. You should also know that seeking help does not mean you are weak or broken; rather, it shows strength by recognizing your need for support and taking action to get the help you deserve.

How Can We Improve Men's Access to Mental Health Treatment?

So what can we do to improve men's access to mental health treatment?

      ●   We can start by talking about it!

Men shouldn't be afraid or ashamed to seek help when they need it. It is important that men know that there are places they can go for assistance and support, as well as people who will listen without judgment. This also means not being afraid of asking for help when you need it, whether that means reaching out to a friend or family member, going on social media (there are a lot of great resources out there!), finding someone at work who might be able to listen, or even calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 if things feel overwhelming.

You should get help if you need it.

If you're struggling with mental health, don't be ashamed to get help. It's important to seek out the support and guidance of others who can understand what you're going through. The first step is talking about it openly with someone else in your life or a mental health professional. You should never feel like there's no one who understands what it feels like to struggle with depression or anxiety--there are many people who have gone through similar experiences as yours, and they can provide valuable insight into how they overcame their own struggles.

We know that men are less likely than women to seek out professional assistance when faced with emotional issues; however this doesn't mean that men don't need help! If someone has been diagnosed with cancer or heart disease they would probably seek treatment immediately because they know how serious these conditions are but when it comes down to mental illness it's often viewed as something that can't be treated or cured. The reality is that there are many different types of treatment options available such as ketamine therapy.


While it's important to recognize the male mental health stigma and fight it, it is important to remember you are not alone in this. The sooner you allow yourself to be vulnerable and talk about your mental health, the sooner you can start to make a change for the better.


This blog is not medical advice or therapeutic advice but general knowledge to help you get the most out of your experiences with psychedelic therapy. At-home psychedelic therapy sessions with generic ketamine may be prescribed "off-label" for suitable candidates as an alternative pathway. Over the last two decades, research suggests that ketamine may be able to safely and effectively improve many treatment-resistant conditions. A form of ketamine, Esketamine (Spravato), is an FDA-approved medication for depression. Spravato treatments are only available in-person in our office. Our at-home programs include therapeutic guidance, safety protocols, breathwork, virtual treatment preparation and 1-on-1 integration coaching to get the most out of your sessions.